Decadent Truffled Scrambled Eggs

If you have fresh truffle that is great. It makes a divine scrambled egg dish. If you do not have fresh truffle, you can use truffle oil and/or truffle salt to bring any egg dishes to life including boiled eggs, friend eggs, poached eggs, or an omelette.


-          6 free range eggs (place fresh truffle in an airtight container in the fridge for 24-72 hours prior to cooking if using fresh truffle)

-          1 tbsp butter (or truffled oil)

-          1 dollop of thickened cream (or you can use milk)

-          Herbs

-          Truffle salt

-          Fresh truffle (if available)


1.       Combine eggs, cream (or milk) in a bowl and whisk until light and fluffy

2.       Melt butter or heat truffle oil in the fry pan on low heat, add egg mixture and mix. 

3.       Stir continuously scrapping the eggs from the side and bottom of the pan

4.       Remove eggs from heat just before they are fully cooked and while still moist

5.       Add the grated fresh truffle to the scrambled eggs

6.       Garnish with your Truffle Salt & your favourite herby such as parsley, chives or basil and add some extra truffle salt and pepper if you so wish.

Enjoy your truffled scrambled eggs for a decadent breakfast


Moorish Truffle Honey & Pecan Biscuits


Truffle Honey Poached Pears