Angel Hair Pasta with Caviar & Truffle Oil

When it comes to caviar you can find delicious caviar to suit all budgets.  We are a family of salmon and truffle lovers so for this recipe I used a premium Tasmanian salmon caviar from the local fresh fish shop. The recipe serves 4 people.


-          Angel Hair Pasta (500gram bag)

-          Parmesan Cheese (1/2 cup grated)

-          Salt & Pepper

-          Caviar (50 - 100grams)

-          Truffle Oil (1 tablespoon)

-          Parsley for garnish

Steps for cooking with fresh truffle

1.       Cook the 500grams of angel hair pasta as per the instructions on the pack.

2.       Grate the ½ cup of parmesan cheese and set it aside.

3.       Once the angel hair pasta is cooked, strain and put in a large serving dish.

4.       While the pasta is hot, mix through the truffle oil, parmesan cheese and the caviar. Add salt & pepper and garnish.  Serve with a leafy salad or vegetables. Enjoy.


Fresh Black Truffle Carbonara Pasta