Truffle Honey Roasted Carrots
These truffle honey roasted carrots are a beautiful addition to any table. The colours and taste are so divine, a sweetness mixed with the Moorish truffle taste. I warm you they are rather addictive! Select a bunch of carrots that take your fancy, clean and add to a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Truffled Potatoes
A Christmas table in Australia is likely to have a delicious hot dish of roasted potatoes in some form on it, a draw card for young and old. This Christmas you may like to take your roast potatoes to the next level with our Truffled Roasted Potatoes. There are 4,000 potato varieties out there to choose from, from the red to the Dutch cream, kipfler, russet, Sebago and the list goes on. When it comes to roasting use those that you enjoy the flavour of most and that of course are available at your grocer.

Truffle Vinaigrette for Zesty Salads
Truffle Vinaigrette for Zesty Salad
This recipe is for a lovely French inspired vinaigrette, perfect for dressing up your salads! Our organic truffle oil is such a decadent delicious pantry item that can bring many dishes to life including this Truffle Vinaigrette, perfect for adding some zest to your salads.